Rate %Housing from
Rank State Metro Name Total Units 2007
1 CA STOCKTON 21,127 9.46 99.16
2 NV LAS VEGAS/PARADISE 67,223 8.89 121.31
3 CA RIVERSIDE/SAN BERNARDINO 112,284 8.02 117.02
4 CA BAKERSFIELD 16,208 6.17 115.42
5 AZ PHOENIX/MESA 97,684 6.02 220.77
6 FL FORT LAUDERDALE 47,387 5.95 127.81
7 FL ORLANDO 46,843 5.48 195.84
8 FL MIAMI 49,697 5.21 96.46
9 CA SACRAMENTO 39,876 5.20 67.74
Also check out this chart from Piggington's site in San Diego. It's a graph of defaults and foreclosures. You can clearly see the effect of California foreclosure bill AB1137 in Sept. And you can clearly see that the banks are catching up!
Then there is this chart from Mr Mortgage's site also showing the defaults going through the roof even though Countrywide and Freddie/Fannie had stopped for the holidays. Default notices were up 100% from Nov to Dec! (21k in Nov and 41k in Dec)