There are currently 3 listings on Delusion Place. The first and newest is 3945 Mt Shasta. Its a 3176 sq/ft home with 5 beds and 3 baths. It's a decent looking house but other than a gaudy cement wall in front it is devoid of landscaping. There is a partially finished patio but that's probably more of a negative than a positive. Asking price, a suave' $759k or $239 s/f! Yup, he bought near the peak and is still looking to make some money.

Delusional neighbor #2 is a realtor. Some one that should know better but is still living in 2006. 3845 Mt Shasta is the same floorplan as doofus #1 above. This house is quite a bit nicer though. It has a pool, a stable and landscaping. The interior is also nicer. Asking price for this one..... $849K or $267 s/f!

The third stooge lives at 38847 Mt Shasta. His home is 3569 sq/ft with 5 beds and 3 baths. This one looks ok, but it's far from fabulous. This guys is actually hoping to make $200k over peak price! He's asking $940k or $263 s/f

There have been several sales on this street in the last few months so the comps are set. Comp #1 is a home I looked at. It's a model match to the first two homes. It didn't have any landscaping. Dirt int the back and dead grass in the front. The inside was average. It sold on Feb for $415k!. Less than 1/2 of what the realtard is asking.
Comp #2 is actually larger than stooge#3's place at nearly 4000 s/f. It has 5 beds and 4 baths. It sold in Jan for $410k. Way less than 1/2 of what stooge #3 is asking
Is it the methane from the horse poo, that altitude, possibly they're all on prozac?? Who knows why. The only thing we know for sure is that there is no chance any of these will sell at those prices. They are twice what they should be (or more). Even if they did find the worlds most out of touch buyer, he would need to pay cash. No back would fund a loan on those properties. So. here we have this months Ass-Clown award and it goes to a whole street!