While looking at Zillow I ran across this. I found it rather humorous and reminder of the heady days of bubble mania. This guys puts a "make me move" price into Zillow in 2007 of $1.4M for a house that now has a zestimate of $505k. And lemme tell ya, there's no way this place would sell for $505k, that's probably at least $50k too high considering there is not a lick of landscaping. I was actually looking at 18825 Ravenhurst which is listed at $1.2M and has a zestimate of nearly $900k. Which I thought was WAY high. It's a spectacular place on 2 acres but there's no way it will get 1.2M and I seriously doubt it would even get Zillows $900k estimate. Based on comps this place is worth closer to $750k.
Ah, the good-ole days. I bet this guy is wishing someone had taken him up on his "make me move" price.