This home is 50% off and still hasn't sold. 5917 Pine Valley Dr, Fontana. This home is in the Sierra Lakes development. It is a 4 bed, 3 bath home that is 2581 sq/ft in size. The last sale price for this home (before the bank bought it) was $580k in June 06. It has been listed for 63 days at $294K and still has not sold. That is nearly 50% off the bubble price. The listing is amusing. It says "reduced". Big woop, it went from $295k to $294k! A one freeking thousand dollar reduction, 0.3%. What a tool....

The part of Fontana south of the 10 fwy is doing even worse. Sub $100 sq/ft listing here are easy to find, like this one listed for $89 sq/ft. 17026 Via De Anza. This home is a 4 bed, 2.5 bath of 3099 sq/ft. It was last purchased in April 05 (At least a year before the peak) for $469k. It's currently listed as an REO for $275k. This one has been listed for 75 days. If the picture looks cropped a bit too tightly there's a good reason for it. There is a giant high power transmission line right behind this house. I bet that sounds cool on those foggy mornings.