I can't believe there are still people out there that try for peak prices in today's market. Then there are sellers like this tool that try for even more than that. You can tell by the incredibly bad listing that even the agent doesn't want to waste time on this pointless exercise. What kind of thought process must you have to list a home for triple the price of the nearby homes. I just don't get it.
5963 Pingrove Pl, Corona, it's over in Eastvale aka foreclosure central. This dreamer buys his place in late 2006 for $683k. Yup, that's about as peak as it gets! His 2 years are up, and now he wants his $200k paycheck. That's the same plan most of the other buyers in 2006 had. Damn the foreclosures, his house is different and the dreamer has listed it for $899k!. That's only about triple what the other places in the area are going for....
I will ask again, "why do agents take these listings?"